Hi There,
First and foremost the IMM Exclusive Reseller Program is only available to members of IMM.
If you haven't joined IMM yet you can do so here http://internetmarketingmentorship.com/vip
If you are a member of IMM and are looking to request to become an affiliate here's how you do it:
Step 1. Login to the Masters Business Academy here: http://mastersbusinessacademy.memberportal.io
Step 2. Once you've logged in go to this section to request your affiliate link and to consume the 33 minute BONUS training teaching you how to sell IMM without having to sell ads or needing an email list.
Step 3. Once you have your link make sure to follow to follow the steps exactly so you can post your affiliate link inside our Jedi Community with 18,000 members and you can start to also earn sales immediately.
Thanks for becoming an IMM member we look forward to hearing abour your success.
Anthony Aires